Facebook Dark Mode


Facebook dark mode has started to roll out in South Africa. What this means is that Facebook is moving away from its white and blue interface and now to black and shades of grey. The benefits of this for mobiles users is that Dark Mode will actually use less battery power when you’re in the app. If you are a part of the beta testing group, desktop users of Facebook will get a pop-up message asking if they want to try the new layout, if the user chooses yes, there is an option to swop over to Dark Mode for desktop.

Other changes in Facebook’s new layout include making use of the full screen, changes in navigation tools, moving between newsfeed, profile & business pages. The layout of personal profiles has changed, moving the profile picture from the left of the screen to the middle of the screen, affecting the design of cover photos for some.

If you’re not a part of the testing group, do not fear because the Messenger App has already moved over to dark mode, so you can experience there if your app is up to date.

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